
Title:Reading WALT:Record useful information for integrated learning. I learned: to tack information from websites. Here is a example of my learning: some times a star explodes into a black hole. Next I well: record information accurately.
 title Athletics

WALT:Jump succsesfully  over the bar

I learned to do the sissor kick

Here is an example of my learning to get the best run up ever

Next time I will try jump higher  

Reading Strategy.

WALT: skim and scan the text.

I learned to read the text fast but know what it means.

Here is an example of my learning: we had to label an ant and do facts about them

Next time I will finish it in 1 day not 2 days.


WALT:pass a large ball

I learned to trap the ball with the side of my foot

Here is an example of my learning: we had to pass to others

Next time I will use my skills in a match of football.

ANZAC Week Term 2 Week 1

This week I have really enjoyed learning about pigeons because I learnt a lot about pigeons that I did not now.
I would like to learn more about poppies because I dont now much about them.

Im learning to blog!

i can now login to my blog and type sentences which will tell you about my learning

Kauri Year 4/5 Goals

has just shared this Viewable by link Google Document with you:Jasper